Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My New Product list

This weekend, I went to Target and decided it would be best for my hair to stick to one or two or three product lines as opposed to the six-seven I had for one regimen.

For the next few months, I will be using Organix shampoo, it is coconut, has protein, and no sulphate. I got the silk infusion leave-in product (CHI is too expensive) and I decided to just get the conditioner as well. I'll start this line once I get to Nigeria in a few weeks. My sister uses Organix so I'm familiar with the brand. It boasts repair for chemically treated hair (us relaxed guys) and I've been looking to incorporating a mild protein product into my regimen. 

I also bought Neutrogena's Triple Mpisture Leave-in conditioner like I said I would. I will get the deep conditioner too.

I will use this with my Strength of Nature moisturizer/ Herbal Essences Split end repair/ Wave Nouveau and castor oil on scalp. So my product junkiness is reducing. I have to be faithful to just a few product lines.

Until then, I'm trying to use up by bottles of shampoo and conditioner and transfer my oils into smaller bottles for easy transportation across the Atlantic.

I'm moving to 9ja in a few weeks!



  1. I love your blog,and your writing inspired me to start taking care of my hair. i recently bought allways castor oil on Amazon; the shampoo,leave-in-conditioner and the stlying cream( looks like vaseline) but i hav braids on now so i'll wait till i loose it before starting the regimen. can you please tell me the best relaxer you've used? i've tried alot, its like i keep trying new ones everytime i relax my hair and i just wanna be faithful to one, so i'll appreciate it if you tell me your best relaxer so far.

  2. Nice blog! Do you have any length goals?

  3. Slim lily,

    Soft Sheen Carsons anti-breakgae relaxer has been my relaxer for 2 years. The last relaxer I used was Motions though (its was the only available at my oyibo walmart).

    Cherchez, My goals are mid-back a frw inches longer that my normal lenght...LOL!!!

  4. thnx ladi, the prob is all the oyibo salons here mostly use motions and u cnt take ur relaxer to them. i've never tried relaxing it myself coz i'm scared i might leave some stuffs behind. but i'll try it this time and i'll look for the soft sheen relaxer. and by the way which state are u frm pls? i'm from bauchi.

  5. Its Soft Sheen Carson's Optimum Anti-Breakage(its a red box). I heard Mizani is great (but pricier than your average relaxer).

    I usually have a friend relax my hair for me though I've done it myself a few times (and done a mediocre job).

    Moving back to Nigeria so I can resume salon visits then.
